Dr. Pushpa Bhatta

Consultant in Opthalmology
Dr. Pushpa Bhatta, M.D. is practicing as a Consultant in Ophthalmology at ADK Hospital since 2018. She earned her post graduate degree in Ophthalmology from BPKIHS, Nepal. Apart from her academic degrees, she has attended several workshops and conferences to boost up her clinical skills and knowledge. She has achieved academic excellence throughout her career. She comes across as a dedicated clinician with great clinical acumen and fantastic communication skills. Very humble and always keen to acquire newer practices, she has always been a wonderful human when it comes to serving people.
Areas of Clinical Interest & Expertise:
Uvea and Retinal diseases
- •Undergraduate: MBBS, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
- •Postgraduate: MD (Ophthalmology), BPKIHS, Dharan, Nepal