24hr hotline:

331-3553 (+1)

Doctors Directory

Below is a of doctors who works in the hospital.

Index for letter "D"

Dr. Dharmesh R Bhatti

Department: Obstetrics & Gynecology
Joined: 26 June 2010
License: TMR0122

Senior Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Dr. Dipendra Gautam

Department: E.N.T
Joined: 2 March 2024
License: TMR5037

Senior Consultant (II) in ENT

Dr. Diwas Dhungana

Department: Pediatrics
Joined: 4 December 2023
License: TMR4752

Senior Consultant in Peadiatrics

Dr. Dusooma Abdul Razzag

Department: Anesthesia
License: PMR0161

Senior Consultant in Anesthesia