International Customer Services Week
ADK Hospital has been celebrating International Customer Services Week starting from 1 October 2013. In line with the wee, the Hospital has initiated a number of activities to improve customer services.
As an initiative of the staff, the week included interactions with patients and other visitors on many services of the hospital. An open day was included with a survey of hospital knowledge among visitors and prizes were awarded to winners of these quizes.
Since the Hopsital always aim to provide patient oriented care, good relations with customers are important. We hope that this initiaive will be sustained and the services we provide, including customer care will improve continuously.
With the International Customer Services Week, the Hospital's Customer Services Department has now gone more proactive to reach patients and family with the introduction of official twitter and facebook accounts as well. You can now reach our customer services @ADKCrm (twitter) and /adkcostomerrealtions (facebook). We hope that these services are of use and benifit to all our customers.
We appreciate and thank all the patients and visitors who participated in the events of this week and also for continuing to encourage and advice us on improvements.
Caring about you when you need it most.
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